Wednesday, July 8, 2009

2009 - CA - El Segundo - 4th of July

The Evite read -
"4th of July Party and Drunken Parade!"

- and so it went, something like this...

The Place

Zack Stoller
- Patriotic Party Producer -

After some celebration and tasty hydration, the parade began with a drum-roll.

Some shakers and a dozen kazoos.
Don't forget the flags and homeland cheer!

And when night fell...


After the fireworks, the party moved to "The Tavern on Main."

The next morning,
Charlie was hungover when he woke up in a hammock.

1 comment:

  1. Look at char char in the hammock!! soooo cute...and not nearly as hung over as we were im sure...I love the photos, they're beautiful!!
